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Written & Road Tests for Western Monmouth County, NJ

16 Year Old GDL Program
According to the New Jersey State Law, All 16 year old candidates who want to learn to drive must be registered with a State licensed and insured driving school. Freehold Driving School offers a comprehensive six-hour behind-the-wheel driving course of instruction, after which they will receive their permit to drive. Although the candidates are not allowed to purchase the permit before their 16th birthday, we will complete the paper work and scheduling before the student's 16th birthday.
Here are some of the documents that needed to purchase a permit:
1. A primary identification document. It can be any of the following:
An original County birth certificate - (with the raised Seal).
A United States passport.
An alien identification card (Green Card).
If adopted, Birth Certificate with original adoption papers.
2. Your Social Security Card.
3. If you have completed the driver's education course in school, we will need a printed copy of your test results. If you have not taken the test at school, we offer it in our office – free of charge.
4. By appointment, have a parent bring you into our office with these documents, for your application process, take an eye test (and a written test, if needed) and schedule your lessons.

Adult Program
Afraid to merge on that highway? Forgot how to parallel park? Haven't driven for a long time? Relocated? Missing your independence?
Let us help!

Road Test
Complete Package:
Review Lesson
Use of Freehold Driving School Vehicle
Provide Licensed Instructor
Driver's License Processing